Sunday, June 19, 2016

You are enough...

You are enough just as you are ....Suffient ,good enough,worthy,beautiful,brave,an intellect,lovely,an old soul ... You are so unique and that is what the world needs. You are loved, you're thought of,you're cared for,you're missed when you're not around. Do not ever think for one second you are not any of these because you are one and all - all inclusive Know that!!!
I just think you need to hear this more of often if not from me most definitely from yourself ... I love you to the Moon and back ...JMG...πŸŒ»πŸ‘πŸΌπŸŒ»11

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I was told I was too intense .... But hey if you can't stand my fire get the fuck away from my flame. I may have invited you in but I n...