Friday, December 28, 2018


Sometimes I don’t know how to fix myself I’m sad for reasons that elude me and sometimes things that are so close to surface they almost have a physical ache. Today is one of those days. I have the need to talk but there’s no one. The person I sought out for such conversations is gone there was something therapeutic in our talks they would go both ways we were both broken and healing from our wounds and offering each other solice through conversation. I miss my friend I miss the ease of words and the comfort of his company. Well just another thing for me to work through but now left to work through it alone. Somedays are harder then others.
But I will be okay in the end because I have no choice...JG🖤

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Forgive her...

You have to forgive yourself for not knowing better, for allowing things that were unspeakable to anyone. It wasn’t your fault you were a child not knowing the correct way to process and protect. Keeping secrets that only affected you at that moment in time was what you felt you had to do to protect the ones you Loved. Because if Had they known the grief and anger would have distroyed them. So you chose to protect them at the price of your own destruction. You were tough because you had to be. As an adult you found yourself in a just as “abusive” relationship because it was a fimiliar place of comfortable discomfort. You now know life was never meant to lived in such a way. Forgive yourself, heal yourself,be kind to yourself, champion yourself, and mostly LOVE are Okay. You are in a safe place , allow the walls to let deserving people in. It doesn’t make you weak it shows your strength. You have struggled enough in your life,allow the goodness in. Celebrate who you’re becoming you’re doing an exceptional job. Remember what we think , we become... 🖤🌻JMG🌻🖤


I was told I was too intense .... But hey if you can't stand my fire get the fuck away from my flame. I may have invited you in but I n...