Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Feeling Good...

I am feeling good about my choices, my place in life ,progression of things.
I struggled against things that were for sure , for things that were a temporary feeling. Emotion cannot rule our Mind , but  they can definitely be factored into our choice. It is funny how I was allowing myself to fall back into the place I was with no conscience effort, just going with the flow of the undertow. Guilt can not be reason to stay in somebody's life . A relationship should be just that,
not a noose... I can breath a sigh of relief to be able to move forward.
Everyday I am Stronger, More Empowered,  & Confident in who I am. If everyday we take small steps to be  where and what we want to be ,We can finally leave all the tears of the past behind. Sunshine filled days ahead , and I know that any rain that comes my way  just waters the flowers I will get to enjoy. It' s not always perfect but it is always an opportunity to learn...JMG<11> 

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