Thursday, December 28, 2017

Temporary ...

 Everything is temporary, I am temporary, you are temporary, we are temporary.
I have no expectation of today much less tomorrow. I will choose to live in the now moments.
I know there is no promise of tomorrow. I  do not put my hope in anyone.  Because the truth is we are human and we will all  disappoint one another. I appreciate everything that is in my life. Yet I know too  it will be gone one day. My future is the one thing ive always had trouble envisioning and I still  honestly can’t picture it.  To be brutally honest I prefer no expectation, it leaves me with no disappointment. You are you, I am Me....and we are just We.🖤JMG

Wednesday, December 20, 2017


Everything in life comes in two’s love and hate,hope and fear,pleasure and pain,happy and sad,
Hot and cold,beginning and end,light and dark,you and me... the best thing is life is when you experience the bettter after having the worst. I am the always optimist and I know things will always even themselves out.  Good things always come after the bad. I look forward to all the positive possibilities...JMG🖤

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Love letters...

There is intention behind this love letter it is for everyone and noone in particular. It’s for the housewife being abused by her husband, it is for the child neglected by their parent, it is for the soldier who is home  from the confrontation of war, it is for everyone who feels unloved,unheard, and unseen. You are valuable,you are my reason to Smile. You bring  tears of Joy to my eyes. You make me sigh with gratitude. I am who I am because of You. You are the reason I am a better person. Remember these  words as my love letter to You I never knew you but I love you...❤️JMG


I was told I was too intense .... But hey if you can't stand my fire get the fuck away from my flame. I may have invited you in but I n...