Monday, July 3, 2017


It's amazing how different I am.
There are patterns and behaviors that are I n such contrast to what I used to be. I love who I am,the relationship I'm in,the way I feel about myself and others. There is a calm and peace in me that hadn't existed in a very long time. They say be the energy you want to receive. Well if that's an indicator of who I'm with , then I guess I have done better then I could have ever imagined. I literally dreamt of the life I'm living. For years living in a hell I always knew I'd find a partner who I could share paradise with.I'm blessed to be in a safe place, no fear ,no hatred,no deprivation.
I am Happy with who I'm allowed to be... I'm in the Nowness of it all...JMG🖤


I was told I was too intense .... But hey if you can't stand my fire get the fuck away from my flame. I may have invited you in but I n...